Like the Stones said - 'gimme shelter'. Here's the plan for the metalwork shop/carport; one giant bunkhaus awning. I've started some planning work; finding where the underground services are, gas, hydro etc, sourcing materials & contacting engineers. I plan to use Krinner ground screws for the foundation on the left wall (the foundation wall on the right already exists), these things are awesome http://http//www1.schraubfundamente.de/schraubfundamente.html and reclaimed 6X4's (that I salvaged last summer) for the framing. Hoping to save some weight lifting & use aluminium Ibeam for the roof trusses & aluminium square tube purlins, depending on what the engineers say, and if I can source 30 foot lengths of Ibeam from a mill. Corrogated galvanised steel roofing with a polycarbonate panel for light. I'd like to fabricate some kind of torsion kneebrace system using turnbuckles, that should make her hurricane-proof. Once the drawings are finalised I'll need to mosey on down to the district office to see if there's an outside chance they'll issue this dusty cowboy a building permit.
In-progress pics of the window shutters. A few swift, sweet passes of the jack to square & flush the ends of the panels. Love the Jack. I milled the planks for the panels from one of the many above mentioned rift sawn 6X4's doug fir 10 footers in the backyard, and a little walnut (partly a design feature, more about getting to my width). Cutting kerfs for the tenon wedges, always good to take a deep breath before cutting through a precious tenon. and shooting the door rails flush with the stiles with the jack & a makeshift shooting board. Yes, love the Jack. The massive wedged double tenons glued up like I'd welded the frame together, we'll see how they hold up. Still need to clean up & wax up, & make some hinges.