Well maybe there isn't one. But sometimes you just gotta get out the fencing pipe and 2X3's and forge ahead. Here's the bunkhaus ghetto photo studio. to take shots of all those pieces I'm going to build.
Also knocked up a pair of krenov sawhorses as part of the shop housekeeping phase. Four mortise & tenon joints in each horse, perfect opportunity to test drive the mortiser; nice crisp clean mortises & the xyz table cannot be beaten for repeatability. Been meaning to find the time to build a set of these for the shop for a long time. Hundred & one uses for the krenovian sawhorse, great for holding up backdrops too. must build more of these.
Spent a morning setting up the metal work department to weld aluminium. As expected, the stuff is seriously weird to weld but really fun once I got the weld puddle under control, with a couple of pretty beads to show for my efforts. Something else that's been on the list for a long time.
Continuous lighting is the way to go for ghetto photo studios. 5600 kelvin (natural light) compact fluorescent with 1600W total power & soft boxes & stands for the cost of a single strobe. Which also means you avoid the super expensive light meter. Wish I could say the same for backdrops, pretty pricey. experimenting with black first & getting some challenging but cool results.
Besides the monumental task of shuffling the drying shed (while I was sunning myself on vacation, Dan harvested the mother of all Elm trees & kindly gave me a healthy load of death elm, real treasure, thanks Dan!)...I'm actually almost running out of things to do on the housekeeping list. Well I'm gonna need to build an all terrain wood wagon to move all this wood I've accumulated on my treacherously steep property...but I seriously need the engineer to sign off on my plans so I can bribe my way through the building permit process. Even sorted & mounted all my hand tools in their new location, all ready for Mr window. Can't wait to have a window in the shop.
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