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ok she's up. can't wait to see her on google earth. The roof joists are 26' long. There's something primal about building a heavy & immovable object, something you can lean against. Still a long way to slide, roofing, doors, windows, sheet metal etc, etc. and we'll have to see what the building inspector thinks of all this. but the months spent drawing & shop prep'ing the reclaimed doug fir posts/beams/kneebraces paid off. She went together like a jigsaw puzzle, with the awesome help of a young keen carpenter or two. I recommend getting a professional carpenter in & signing on as a 'laborer/wood cutter/materials runner'; a super efficient way to go for the furniture maker. As expected, the minute we started the framing, the storms started rolling in, monsoon season is here.
a little bit of psuedo timber frame joinery, she was designed to go up quickly but still be bombproof, I'm calling her a timber frame hybrid. spent a couple minutes making a water level for measuring the heights of the posts, just like the inca's did, - worked like a charm, water is always parallel to the earth!

2010 is the year of the studio, but with all these summer distractions I was running out of time for garage #2. I would have to rely on machine tools rather than hand tools. The digger did an efficient job of digging a pit in front of the shop. The massive dump trucks did an equally efficient job of hauling dirt away. Then the concrete trucks did a good job of filling the pit. Then contractor Rick did an awesome job of power troweling the slab, while sipping on beers in between set-ups, until the wet slab looked like a sheet of glass. I've always had an issue with digging a hole then filling it with concrete, but at least I now have foundation walls & a very pretty slab to start building from. The posts & kneebraces have been prepped from my 4"X6" stash, & I've started prepping the 6"X10" beams which just came in. Just need to take care of one more summer distraction before i can get down to business, it's not quite Fall yet.